Marvel’s Avengers Review

(Reviewed on Xbox One by Games of DAYNE)  The Avengers are no strangers to video game appearances. Over the years we’ve seen Earth’s Mightiest Heroes in various incarnations including standalone and team-up titles. As the sun sets on the current generation of consoles, Marvel’s Avengers is finally here…


Mask of Mists Review

(Reviewed on Xbox One by Games of DAYNE) A mystical world full of puzzles and ancient ruins, secrets lay hidden behind a Mask of Mists. A first person puzzle adventure set in a mystical world, Mask of Mists has the player seeking a missing mage. Classic…


Control – Expansion 2 “AWE” Review

(Reviewed on Xbox One by Games of DAYNE) "It's not a lake... it's an ocean" for the newly established Remedy Connected Universe. As anticipated as the second story expansion for Control has been, the stakes were raised significantly with the confirmation that the somewhat dark horse…