Bartlow’s Dread Machine Review

(Reviewed on Xbox One by Games of DAYNE) If a silent movie and a complex mechanical tabletop arcade game loved each other very much, the result would be the unique blend of the weirdly enjoyable oddity that is Bartlow’s Dread Machine. The concept of Bartlow’s Dread…


Nexomon: Extinction Review

(Reviewed on Xbox One by Games of DAYNE) Nexomon: Extinction feels familiar but it's the originality of its story that is surprisingly full of heart that truly sets it apart from the competition. This monster catching adventure is a turn-based RPG and uses a formula extremely…


Mafia: Definitive Edition Review

(Reviewed on Xbox One by Games of DAYNE) Remade from the ground up and released 18 years after the OG experience, Mafia: Definitive Edition takes a great game and makes it better! Mobster stories are interesting on a number of fronts, excuse the pun. From the…