Little Mouse’s Encyclopedia Review

(Reviewed on Xbox Series X by Games of DAYNE) Little Mouse's Encyclopedia is a point and click educational experience aimed at children and is wonderfully presented in the style of a playable picture book. Playing as a mouse, four levels that span nine locations are rife…


Savage Halloween Review

(Reviewed on Xbox Series X by Games of DAYNE) It may not be October but Savage Halloween is here to provide an appropriately themed retro platforming shoot 'em up! Offering three characters to play as, each with a unique special ability, Savage Halloween challenges players with…


Dull Grey Review

(Reviewed on Xbox Series X by Games of DAYNE) On the surface Dull Grey is an interactive tale of oppression taking place in an industrial Soviet world. Developer Provodnik Games have cleverly integrated the oppressive nature of the world the narrative takes place in with its minimalistic…