Just Die Already Review

(Reviewed on Xbox Series X by Games of DAYNE) The first I ever heard or saw of Just Die Already was its description in an article and I instantly realised I needed no further information to purchase. Check it out below as it appears on the…


Long Ago: A Puzzle Tale Review

(Reviewed on Xbox Series X by Games of DAYNE) Long Ago: A Puzzle Tale is as described. It's a puzzle game with a narrative that takes place long ago, its story told through rhyming narration in the style of a fairytale. Directing a stone ball across…


Dark Nights With Poe and Munro Review

(Reviewed on Xbox Series X by Games of DAYNE) First introduced in The Shapeshifting Detective, another FMV title developed by D’Avekki Studios released back in 2018, fictional August Radio hosts Poe and Munro star in their own spin-off Dark Nights With Poe and Munro. Six episodes following a supernatural Twilight Zone-esque…