Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot Review

(Reviewed on Xbox One by Games of DAYNE)   *Disclaimer: This review was originally written as a member for One More Game and Xbox Gamer Dad, edited by co-founder Adam Potts and/or founder Matt Brook. A review code for this title was provided by OMG/XBGD. This review…


Detroit: Become Human Review

(Reviewed on PlayStation 4 by Games of DAYNE)  Detroit: Become Human is a heavily cinematic single player narrative experience that puts the player in control of three different Androids, each with their own stories that eventually intertwine and culminate in a dramatic conclusion. The player is able…


Red Dead Redemption II Review

(Reviewed on Xbox One by Games of DAYNE)  Red. Dead. Redemption. II. When we first saw those words strung together when the game was first announced, 7 years after the original, we all knew we were in for another amazing, epic and heartfelt story that would put…