Darkestville Castle Review

(Reviewed on Xbox One by Games of DAYNE)  An entertaining homage to the point and click classics, Darkestville Castle is a worthy adventure of those it pays tribute to. Point and click adventures hold a very special place in my heart when it comes to my earliest experiences…


Metamorphosis Review

(Reviewed on Xbox One by Games of DAYNE)   A surprisingly enjoyable and quirky platformer that puts its protagonist unwittingly into a bugs life.  Quirky, weird and different are definitely some key words that come to mind when playing Metamorphosis but in the best of ways. Gregor Samsa finds…


Fast & Furious: Crossroads Review

(Reviewed on Xbox One by Games of DAYNE)   An action-packed story fitting of the film franchise with gameplay that feels anything but fast and furious. The Fast & Furious franchise has once again taken a turn onto the video game highway. Boasting a story considered canon to…