Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey Review

(Reviewed on Xbox One by Games of DAYNE)  Evolution is a fascinating subject. The concept of something evolving over millions of years as a result of its experiences, survival instincts and trial and error to perfect its genetic structure is mind blowing. Welcome to Ancestors: The…


The Quiet Man Review

(Reviewed on PlayStation 4 by Games of DAYNE) The concept of The Quiet Man is incredibly unique in that the protagonist, Dane (great name by the way), is deaf. To portray this, the developers made an interesting decision... to essentially mute all sound and instead replace…


Until Dawn Review

(Reviewed on PlayStation 4 by Games of DAYNE) Supermassive Games have developed a cinematic third person horror experience where the fate of eight teenagers rests in the players hands in Until Dawn. The decisions made as each of these characters will change the course of the…