Macrotis: A Mother’s Journey Review

(Reviewed on Xbox One by Games of DAYNE) A mystical tale that highlights the lengths a mother separated from her children will go to. A mother bilby separated from her children in the midst of a storm of biblical proportions and a wizard giving every ounce…


Grey Skies: A War of the Worlds Story Review

(Reviewed on Xbox One by Games of DAYNE) The biggest threat to Grey Skies: A War of the Worlds Story is missed opportunity Inspired by the works of legendary author H.G. Wells, Grey Skies: A War of the Worlds Story is a stealth based sci-fi adventure…


This is the Zodiac Speaking Review

(Reviewed on Xbox One by Games of DAYNE) One of the most interesting yet unsolved cases in history should make for an intriguing adventure. Like the actual case itself, there are many unsolved mysteries at play in regards to the gameplay. The unsolved case of the…